Pelicans look quite good when they're flying,
sort of majestic and in control of their lives. Not perhaps as aristocratic as an Albatross, nor as elegant as a Frigate bird, but with that sort of grandeur you get with 1930's flying boats.
Sadly this all comes to pieces when they try to dive for fish. I couldn't get a picture of a "dive" but if you imagine an ordinary plane landing in water then you get the general picture, it's more of a crash, and mixes elements of panic, pancake and is as graceful as a dropped bag of coathangers. This experience has encouraged a number of pelicans to go for plan "B" whereby they mooch around boats and hope for the best.
And here's one standing on rocks, so they can do that too, although it worries the crabs, as you can see from their body language.